Drs. Ohayon and Lam were honored to speak at the New Media Rights celebration and share with other NMR supporters and collaborators the wonderful experience working with these attorneys (how often do you hear that?). For those unfamiliar with New Media Rights, they are a non-profit, independently funded program of the California Western School of Law. They provide legal service to help creators, researchers, and internet users share their visions and protect their right to have a voice in their discoveries and creations. On August 21, 2014 they celebrated hitting the 1,000 projects/cases helped mark!
GN is working with NMR to create how-to guides and publications for helping others establish new GN-like entities.
Much like the Green Neuroscience Laboratory, NMR relies on individual donations to carry out their amazing work. Check them out at newmediarights.org and donate today so they can help another 1000 projects realize their ideas.