

Thank you for your help supporting green neuroscience research. Every little bit helps!

Your invaluable gift will help fund open research and free education programs that explore new sustainable and inclusive approaches to studying the brain and its relationship with its environment. All funds will go toward Green Neuroscience Laboratory projects, infrastructure, student training, conference presentations and open publication.

Donate to Green Neuro (processed via Neurolinx’s secure PayPal account):

Thanks for the support!

Donations In Kind

We also accept gifts in kind. If you have any of the items below please contact us directly. Our space is limited and we want to make sure we can fit the items you are so kindly willing to donate. Please note: We can only accept personal, non-corporate donations.

  • Accessibility chair lift and installation
  • EEG Systems (Including: Amplifier, Electrodes, Caps, etc.)
  • Microscopes
  • Tablets (must be able to run open source O/S)
  • Desktop computers
  • 4K UHD monitors (Or 4K TVs w/ HDMI)
  • Laptops
  • LED projectors
  • LED Lights and fixtures
  • PVC-free yoga mats
  • 100% recycled paper and card stock
  • Canvas
  • Bus Tokens
  • Green Car (e.g., hybrid, bio-diesel, electric, etc.)

Research With Us

We are always looking for free-minded collaborators and research students. Do you have expertise in neuroscience, computer science, or philosophy of mind? Are you a clinician, writer, artist, musician? Are you hoping to help us green neuroscience? For possible research opportunities please contact us at:

Thank You!

We greatly appreciate all in-kind, monetary, and participatory support in helping build a new greener neuroscience.

For other ways to give, please contact us at or call us: